I've lived in the Seattle area since 1992. My parents moved my two sisters and I from Southern California, I was 16 and in high school at the time. In those days, and maybe even now, my dream job would have been to be comic book illustrator with Marvel. In pursuit of that dream, I enrolled at The Art Institute of Seattle where I was exposed to a variety of commercial disciplines and technology.
Shortly after finishing art school my portfolio was lost in a house fire. I quite literally had to go back to the drawing board and I believe it was a blessing in disguise. That old art school portfolio lacked any particular style or skill that I could showcase, because I probably never put forth the right effort as a student. With some refocusing and a lot of experimentation with oil pastels I developed a new body of work that has a clear direction. Now when creating my art, I get to add a little comic book flare to professional athletes doing amazing things.
Thank you for spending a moment to make it to the bottom of this little bio, cheers!
- Ryan O'Keefe